Peningkatan prestasi fisika materi gerak lurus beraturan melalui strategi pembelajaran quantum teaching dengan media papan lucur pada siswa kelas XE SMAN 1 Randangan

  • Tarmuji Tarmuji Politeknik Gorontalo
Keywords: Learning outcomes; physics; learning model; contextual; quantum teaching


This study aims to determine how Quantum teaching can improve learning outcomes motion of matter physics learner Xe class SMAN 1 RANDANGAN the academic year 2014.this subjek study is Xe grade student of SMAN 1 RANDANGAN totalling 36 people. This study is a qualitative study using reaserch methods class action (PTK),which refers to the model taggart.this study conducted by two cycles.each cycle consist of four stages,planning,action,action,observation,reflection. This restult of this study indicate that the application of contextual learning model type of problem based learning can improve learning outcomes Xe grade physics students SMAN 1 RANDANGAN.this study of students has increased by 70% in the second cycle than the cycle 1increased only 45%. This learning result in cycle 1 has an average value of contextual learning strategi 78.Quantum teaching type that can improve learning outcomes Xe grade physics students SMAN 1 RANDANGAN is to use a team approach with their strict rules on when learning takes place.
