Author Guidelines
Systematics and substance of the manuscript
- The editorial team accepts manuscripts in the form of research papers, research notes, and reviews in both Indonesian and English related to engineering and agricultural equipment technology, as well as agricultural technology itself.
- Article manuscripts must contain: 1) title, 2) name of author and institution, 3) abstract in English and Indonesian accompanied by keywords, 4) introduction, 5) research method, 6) results and discussion, 7) conclusion, and 8)
- The manuscript has not been published in other journals.
- The maximum plagiarism/similarity result is 25%.
- Manuscripts submitted to:
Writing Style
- Manuscripts are written in Times New Roman, 11 pt font, on A4 paper (210 mm x 297 mm) with 1 inch top/bottom margins, 0.75 inch left/right margins.
- The manuscript is in the form of 2 columns with a distance of 0.4 inches between columns.
- Maximum page length is 15 pages.
- The title should be short, concise, and clear; maximum 12 words. The author's name is written in full without titles and without abbreviations.
- It is enough for the author's institution to write down the department/study program and college/name of institution, accompanied by the name of the country.Example: Agricultural Machinery and Equipment, Politeknik Gorontalo, Indonesia.
- The e-mail listed is sufficient for the correspondence author's e-mail.
- Abstract describes the entire contents of the manuscript, written in one paragraph using Indonesian and English, preferably English Abstract, and the number of words is between 200-300 words.
- Keywords consist of 3-5 words.
- Tables, pictures and formulas.Table titles are written in Times New Roman size 10 pt and placed above the table with a single space spacing.The title of the image is written in Times New Roman size 10 pt and placed below the image with a single space spacing.As for formulas or equations, you can use the Equation menu on Ms.Word and numbered in the right margin.
- This section contains the background or context of the research, theoretical review/review of the literature, problems and hypotheses, and their objectives.
- Research methods.This section covers research design and subjects, data collection methods, research procedures (preferably contained in the form of flowcharts/research charts), and technical analysis.This section also includes the tools and materials used if the type of research is laboratory experiments and the like. As for research in the form of literature reviews, the literature reviewed is not less than 100 references.
- Results and Discussion.This section contains the results of hypothesis testing, data analysis, answering research questions, and findings.The discussion includes the interpretation of the results, comparisons with other studies and supporting theories, as well as the implications of the research results.The discussion does not just include the results of research.
- This section contains research conclusions and suggestions made based on research findings, indicated at certain points with operational suggestions in the form of short paragraphs.
- References for at least the last 10 years with a portion of 80% are the main and direct sources in the form of journal articles and research and 20% textual quotations (textbooks).
Citation Style
- Quotations in the manuscript use the direct quotation system, not the results of copy paste.
- The use of footnotes (footnotes) should be avoided whenever possible.
- Each citation must be accompanied by the author's surname/last name.
- If there are more than one author, only the first author's surname is listed, followed by et al, written before or after the quotation.
- It is recommended to use the Mendeley application in citations or use the References menu in Ms.
- Bibliography of the Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Gorontalo is arranged alphabetically based on the last name of the author cited.
- The format for writing a bibliography follows the APA style
- Each bibliography reference is referred to in the body record (citation).The bibliography must contain the main references (journals, proceedings) of at least 80% of all references.
The following is an example of writing a bibliography.
Sahin, S., & Sumnu, S. G. (2006). Physical Properties of Foods. New York: Springer Science+Business Media.
Book chapter
Rahman, M. S. (2014). Mass-Volume-Area-Related Properties of Foods. In M. A. Rao, S. S. Rizvi, A. K. Datta, & J. Ahmed, Engineering Properties of Foods, Fourth Edition (pp. 1-36). London: CRC Press.
Article of journal
Moya, M., Aguado, P. J., & Ayuga, F. (2013). Mechanical Properties of Some Granular Agricultural Materials Used in Silo Design. International Agrphysics, 5(27), 181-193.
Mustofa, & Pintowantoro, S. (2016). The Effect of Si/Al Ratio to Compressive Strength and Water Absorption of Ferronickel Slag-based Geopolymer. The 2nd International Seminar on Science and Technology (pp. 167-172). Surabaya: Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
Yunanto, E. (2012). Perancangan Mesin Pengkristal Gula Jawa. Yogyakarta: Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
Faradiba, N. (2022, 1 4). Mengenal Tanaman Jagung, Klasifikasi, morfologi dan Varietasnya. Retrieved from